Founded in 2015, Intramural Theater is a New Orleans-based theatre collective focused on physical and spatial experiments with original scripts. The Intramurals integrate live music, movement, and visual arts to produce immersive, site-responsive works. “Intra-mural” translates to “within walls” – our central passion is finding walls within which whole worlds can emerge, and where intimacy and insatiable curiosity intersect.
— Coming Up —
Intramural’s season announcement for 2025, featuring two productions and two community events, is forthcoming! Stay tuned for more updates!

— Past Productions —

For the past six years, Intramural Theater has been delighted to work on two local community events: its own 25-Hour Play Festival, in which people from all over the city congregate to write, produce and perform 10-minute plays over the course of 25 hours; and Goat in the Road’s Play/Write Showcase, in which professional theatre companies from the New Orleans area put on full productions of short plays written by 5th and 6th graders.
In 2020, we partnered with Beaubourg Theatre to co-produce the Unstaged Readings Series, which showcased new and as-yet-unproduced works by local playwrights in a virtual context.